Friday, June 17, 2011

It's been 8 days ...

Since I last blogged! crazy right?! I seriously have done like no running, alot of eating and drinking and managed to get myself in a mess. It's nearly Glastonbury time and i've let myself get all fat and minging! :( Saddd.

And the mess. Oh my the mess. I'm off for drinks with him again tonight, he's actually lovely, I just don't think i'm attracted to him and he's short (I'm a monster of a girl at 5' 7). I am the worst human being.

Oh and i'm going to work hungover again today. They're going to HATE me. Grrr, I just want bed but instead today is work, then run, then see him. I'm going to sleep well tonight.

I'll do some running soon though, promise! I'll run at home in the countryside and let yous read all about it :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm not an alcoholic..

Alcoholics got to meetings. I don't. Therefore I am a drunk.

I wish I was joking, but I really do drink too much. Saying that you only live once. And yes I want to be healthy, thin, a good runner. And I want to sort my head out and like me - which i'm closer to doing now than I maybe ever have been. But at the end of the day, it's spending time with your favourite people that matters. I love life. Living life, letting my hair down with my friends and meeting new people. So it would be complete bull shit if I said I was going to give it up.

But I am cutting down. 

There's a few things I've discovered this week....

- I like my job. That sounds stupid, I never said I didn't like it, but the thought of leaving it is quite upsetting me.
- I am a flirt. I never ever thought I would say this, in my opinion I don't think I can flirt! However I have flirted with like everything that moves the last couple of weeks. This needs to stop, how did I become a flirt?! I'm more awkward than awkward turtle!! You know what! I don't even understand, I'm acting normal and friendly - but guys are flirting back?! Who turned the world upside down??!
- The band Mona. Listen to your love is incredible. So so good.
- I can't run fast. I think I may have even got worse at running since the 10k. But...
- I do not give up.

Anyway. I'm off the juice until Glastonbury. In an effort to lose weight, exercise and just start getting stuff sorted and the like. To help towards this I am now going to bed. It's 21.14. How cool am I? Anyway i'll speak to you later interwebsss!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't sleep, going to Milan, more booze.

Grrrrr, it's 4:44 in the AM. And I cannot sleep for the life of me. This isn't fun. I wanted to go for a run in like 2 hours to try, i'm not sure if it'll still happen.

As of today I start 6 days straight at work. I'm also going out for my good friend M-E's birthday tonight, i'm going to die!!!! I promised I would, but I kinda don't want to anymore, I know i'm gonna be knackered, so i'd rather have sleep and a run Friday morning. Major geek alert!!! What have I become??!!!

And I know. I know. It's too late now, but i'm way hungover, and I don't want to be hungover for work!!! Saddddd :(

I got all the stuff I needed to do done yesterday. I also bumped into my short beautiful barman friend (seriously I know a fair few of the barstaff at my favourite bar, as in i'm not just a regular any more i'm actually friends with these guys now- so they say .... woops) And I was buzzing cause i'd just got my results, so I'M MOVING TO MILAN IN OCTOBER!!!!!!! So he was saying how he was really happy for me and he was working at Cellars till 4 so we should have a pint when he's finished. I went for a pint when he'd finished his curly friend (who's the manager and I also know ..) and Loo-Face also came to meet us, and they had one played checkers chatted for a while then had to go home. Me and Loo-Face did what we always do when it's us. We got smashed. We ended up in Firewater in one chair, me sat on top of her while I texted two of the other staff. Woops. Woops. Woops.

So the final thought before I try and sleep again - which I feel is a lost cause .... but i'll try!! To run or not to run?? I'll be hungover and if I manage to sleep I could probably do with staying in bed. But does running off a hangover work??

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm still alivvveee!!!!!


I was the slowest at the running group. I was the least fit at the running group. I was the only one sweating and I nearly died. But I never stopped, and I didn't complain once.

The women were actually lovely, there was only four of us running. The jog leader is training for an ultra (eekk!), one woman for a marathon, and one did a sub 2 hour marathon when she was 17. I felt very overwhelmed. When I emailed I was told i'd be fine in the intermediate group!! So wrong haha. We did just over 4 miles in 38 minutes. It was a pretty constant speed but at that pace I would get my 10k in an hour, which i'm just not physicaly fit enough for yet! (listen to that optimism!!)

I was chatting to the jog leader, and I was very embarrassed to say I was training for a half marathon while dying at mile 3. . . But she was saying she thinks if I got out 3 times a week and work up to it she thinks i'll be looking at about 2 and a half hours to finish in - yes!! I want to prove her right. Cause I would love love LOVE to do the half marathon in 2 and a half hours.

We went through Kelvingrove where I normally run. But we went down this little alley that I have never been down before ... and it was awesome!! It didn't even feel like we were in Glasgow any more!! So i'm definitely running that route again! If I can remember where we went haha ....

Despite me (nearly) dying, I realised something after.... I already went to the gym today!! I did 15.5k on the bike. 30 minutes of hill intervals on the treadmill (4k) and 15 minutes (100 calories) on the elliptical. No wonder I was so tired!!!

So I was the weakest in the group. But i've not lost heart. I'm going to train my ass off and go back in a couple of weeks. They've all been running years, and me 7 months. I'd feel bad going to the next one (as I don;t want to hold them back), but i'm going to prove to myself and them that I can run as quick and as long as them. One day. Soon(ish).

And Loo-face booked her tickets today!!! We're going on holiday!!!!!!!!! In her words... "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". So healthy food only and so much exercise. I don't care if I ache every day between now and when we go, I am losing weight and having the first ever photo of me looking good in a bikini, even if I am the whitest thing ever .....

Oh, I also apparently have had 25 hits. 25 people have read this blog. So if you;re reading this, then follow me!! Once I have my first follower i'll introduce you all (i'm going to pretend it's 25 different people and not one crazy stalker) to "the dress"

Away to my first ever running group ...

Very very nervous!! What if they're all better than me? What if they all hate me?? Ahhhhhhh, and what if it's not on today and I turn up like a tool?? So so many what ifs....

Come back later to see what happens!! 

(ooooo - the suspense!!) 

Monday, June 6, 2011

5 miles for breakfast, omnomnom!!


I know it was the plan blah-dee-blah, but I didn't think i'd actually be able to get up in a morning and run. Let alone run 5.2 miles. That's right. FIVE POINT TWO!!!!

So proud of myself, and I cam home and did a fair few of the exercises! I haven't done them all, cause doing jumping jacks makes a fair bit of noise on our floors and I don't want to wake up my flatmates ... though F in the room next to me is a numpty so maybe haha ... And the arm workout need dumbbells which I don't have :S

And my friend Loo-face is allowed to come on holiday with me to Espagna! I so hope she doesn't bail after i've asked if she can come with!

Here comes the beach body! Just got to keep it up all week now :)

For my beautiful 5 miles I did 3 laps of Kelvingrove, as I was doing the second I was thinking to myself if I do one more lap i'll have done 5 miles by the time I get home, so when I got to the end of the lap I was just like. Another lap? Why not?!!! Feel so good after my binge last night!! (my last before the bikini training!)

So no more junk food for nearly a month. Dear additives I will miss you like crazy. But I really want to go to Spain and not be ashamed of my body. No screw it I want to be proud of my body on holiday. Glasto the week before isn't going to help at all. I will just have to dance like crazy to the bands :)

HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!! It's a new week, let's go kick it's ass with miles and miles and apples and bananas!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Plan: 06/06-12/06

Yes i'm double posting. What can I say? Blogging whore alert!!

Monday: 3 miles running and all the exercises, before work at 10 haha ... then x-factor auditions straight from work!

Tuesday: Let's go crazy and have an actual big run! All those exercises and maybe even a gym session - off work so need to make the most of it haha! And there's a running group at Kelvingrove at 7pm (still haven't been to one ..)

Wednesday: Off work again. So big gym session. 40 minutes on hill intervals on treadmill, 15k on the bike, 2k on the rower, 100 calories on the elliptical (i'm going on calories because they all show different distances at my gym ..:S) Then some weights. Omnomnom weights.

Thursday: 3 miles and the exercises before work at 9.45 (ouch!),  debating on gym after work or not. I finish at 6, and it's my friends birthday so we're going out at 9. When i'm out, NO CIDER. Not a lot to drink, just a couple of healthier drinks (like spirits and fuit juices or something :S)

Friday: Covering Tony's shift at work, so up early for another run before work? I think so! And the exercises then I think that's me. Specially if hungover. However if not maybe a post work gym session? I'll see how I feel.

Saturday: Workiiinnngggg. Run and exercises after work.

Sunday: Rest or a little run after work.Oh and exercises obvs :)

If you can't tell the aim of this week is quantity. Even if I don't feel like it, a little run every day, and the exercises should get rid of calories and hopefully some flab ... Oh and EAT HEALTHY. Yum.

Think i'm gonna post nice beach pictures lots to keep me motivated ... So this week just keep thinking if I make it through this week I may find this in Spain ...

There is nothing I wouldn't do for this man.