Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm still alivvveee!!!!!


I was the slowest at the running group. I was the least fit at the running group. I was the only one sweating and I nearly died. But I never stopped, and I didn't complain once.

The women were actually lovely, there was only four of us running. The jog leader is training for an ultra (eekk!), one woman for a marathon, and one did a sub 2 hour marathon when she was 17. I felt very overwhelmed. When I emailed I was told i'd be fine in the intermediate group!! So wrong haha. We did just over 4 miles in 38 minutes. It was a pretty constant speed but at that pace I would get my 10k in an hour, which i'm just not physicaly fit enough for yet! (listen to that optimism!!)

I was chatting to the jog leader, and I was very embarrassed to say I was training for a half marathon while dying at mile 3. . . But she was saying she thinks if I got out 3 times a week and work up to it she thinks i'll be looking at about 2 and a half hours to finish in - yes!! I want to prove her right. Cause I would love love LOVE to do the half marathon in 2 and a half hours.

We went through Kelvingrove where I normally run. But we went down this little alley that I have never been down before ... and it was awesome!! It didn't even feel like we were in Glasgow any more!! So i'm definitely running that route again! If I can remember where we went haha ....

Despite me (nearly) dying, I realised something after.... I already went to the gym today!! I did 15.5k on the bike. 30 minutes of hill intervals on the treadmill (4k) and 15 minutes (100 calories) on the elliptical. No wonder I was so tired!!!

So I was the weakest in the group. But i've not lost heart. I'm going to train my ass off and go back in a couple of weeks. They've all been running years, and me 7 months. I'd feel bad going to the next one (as I don;t want to hold them back), but i'm going to prove to myself and them that I can run as quick and as long as them. One day. Soon(ish).

And Loo-face booked her tickets today!!! We're going on holiday!!!!!!!!! In her words... "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". So healthy food only and so much exercise. I don't care if I ache every day between now and when we go, I am losing weight and having the first ever photo of me looking good in a bikini, even if I am the whitest thing ever .....

Oh, I also apparently have had 25 hits. 25 people have read this blog. So if you;re reading this, then follow me!! Once I have my first follower i'll introduce you all (i'm going to pretend it's 25 different people and not one crazy stalker) to "the dress"

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