Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bad bad start to the bikini diet

I had Haggis pizza, 4 cookies (the big ones not the little ones...), lots of cider and blackcurrant and then for post drinking munchies a rustlers chicken sandwich and a bbq chicken wrap. At this rate I will look like this in my bikini....

I don't want to look minging. I also really want to give the fitness and running a boost. I need to take this opportunity to have something to really push training forwards. So, I bought a womens magazine yesterday. Before you judge hear me out!! Now it's a shitty magazine. And claims to get you a beach body in 6 weeks, and I only have 4 .... But it is a beach body via exercise. It has 6 pages of exercises to do!! Fat burning ones, then workouts A,B and C, which target different areas of your body. They say to do fat burning plus A,B OR C. But i'm gonna try do them all. Every day. Granted I won't always have time. But If I at least try I may end up with a beach body closer to this ...

Hahaha. Probably not. But I wish!!!!

Also from now on. Healthy food only. I need to think about it before I eat anything bad. I have the rest of my life to be fat, I just want to look nice for this one summer! :)

I'm not sure the massive workout I wanted is going to happen today I feel kinda shit. As in if I go to the gym or for a run I may feel better but I may also end up wretching..... yuuuccckkkk!!!!

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