Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't sleep, going to Milan, more booze.

Grrrrr, it's 4:44 in the AM. And I cannot sleep for the life of me. This isn't fun. I wanted to go for a run in like 2 hours to try, i'm not sure if it'll still happen.

As of today I start 6 days straight at work. I'm also going out for my good friend M-E's birthday tonight, i'm going to die!!!! I promised I would, but I kinda don't want to anymore, I know i'm gonna be knackered, so i'd rather have sleep and a run Friday morning. Major geek alert!!! What have I become??!!!

And I know. I know. It's too late now, but i'm way hungover, and I don't want to be hungover for work!!! Saddddd :(

I got all the stuff I needed to do done yesterday. I also bumped into my short beautiful barman friend (seriously I know a fair few of the barstaff at my favourite bar, as in i'm not just a regular any more i'm actually friends with these guys now- so they say .... woops) And I was buzzing cause i'd just got my results, so I'M MOVING TO MILAN IN OCTOBER!!!!!!! So he was saying how he was really happy for me and he was working at Cellars till 4 so we should have a pint when he's finished. I went for a pint when he'd finished his curly friend (who's the manager and I also know ..) and Loo-Face also came to meet us, and they had one played checkers chatted for a while then had to go home. Me and Loo-Face did what we always do when it's us. We got smashed. We ended up in Firewater in one chair, me sat on top of her while I texted two of the other staff. Woops. Woops. Woops.

So the final thought before I try and sleep again - which I feel is a lost cause .... but i'll try!! To run or not to run?? I'll be hungover and if I manage to sleep I could probably do with staying in bed. But does running off a hangover work??

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