Monday, May 30, 2011

So many hangovers so little time .... And plan for this week!

Being hungover SUCKS DIRTY MOP WATER!!!

I wanted to have a big big run today. But talking myself into leaving the flat, or even moving is so hard. I'm illllllll (again).

You know the worst thing? I'm supposed to be doing the pub quiz tonight too. And drinking tomorrow. AND wednesday or Thursday. How am I going to make it??!!!?


I am however watching the desperate houswives where Gabby is trying to lose weight, and is at bootcamp with Edie. It's hilarious. And their suffering is making me want to make a cake... and eat the whole thing. Omnomnomnom.

Here's a plan. I'm not very good at sticking to these, but you know I still do most of it.

Monday: Enjoy my hangover, eat cake, drink all the cider in the world at the pub quiz.

Only messing!!!!

Monday: Big run. Or gym: 10k on the bike, 1k on the rower, 20 minutes intervals on the elliptical.

Tuesday: FINALLY, go to the running group. 9am. Kelvingrove - this is happening. (This includes not drinking much at the quiz) Then core workout, for the second time ever - I will get better at this.

Wednesdaaayyy: Big run again. Gym workout. Oh and that meeting at 1 for erasmus.

Thursday: Running group at 2pm Kelvingrove (if I like/survive) tomorrows. Core again, or weights at gym - we'll see what I feel like :)

Friday, Friday ....: Working 10 til 4, sooooo to the gym afterwards!! yay! And NOT THE PUB!! haha.

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Big run, yum!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blogger was broked, so here's my week

You've all missed me right??!! ...... haha! I couldn't even log into the site it was bizarre!

I got new running shoes on Monday!!! I actually did it! They were £85, and I was not ready for how hard it was to buy them! I went to Run for it, because i've never had any running related problems, and I want to keep it that way - shoes that are right for me I feel are a necessity. So the sales guy made me take my shoes and socks off, looked at my old running shoes, told me off for leaving it so long before buying new ones (woopsies), got me some to try on and then finally ...... MADE ME GO ON THE TREADMILL!! Now I like treadmills, but I wasn't expecting it. The guy behind the till was fairly attractive. And there's me in denims, a wobbly tummy and no sports bra. Now i've not got the greatest rack, but anyone would jiggle if they weren't wearing a sports bra! I was horrified :/ But I love the new shoes, just need to get a couple of little outside runs in to break them in properly! Exciting times!

Then Tuesday I worked all day. Went straight to a restaurant, then to the union to drink, then to see the b-e-a-utiful sound of guns!! Seriously listen to this song . It rocks. I then returned to the union, and continued to get very very drunk. It was a monster of a night. It left us doing Jaeger bombs, shouting "to the poo cupboard with yee!!!" And my our Aberdonian friend being repeatedly called the wrong name by a boy to leave with him .... Hero!

Orange Wednesday. Was not Orange. It was hungover and painful. I made it to the gym though and did the entire work out I had in the plan. Except I CANNOT DO FARTLEK! Maybe the workout I did was too hard for me? But I find it very hard to find a pace and stick at it, changing the speed you run out every couple of minutes just messed me up. My thought process: I'm running slow. Laa dee da dee daa. Shit. I'm running fast. Okay getting used to running fast. Slow again?! Ahhh feet everywhere. Why slow again??! However it's something to work towards right?! And i've read about them lots, they are supposed to help you run. So imma stick at it. Oh. And it has the word "fart" in. How can you give up on something with the word fart in?!

Thursday was a long day at work, with no exercise at all. Not just exercise. It was nothing apart from work.

It's Friday ..... and i'm in luuurrvvee!!! HA! I wish! Nah, I just like The Cure. Friday was fun though. I had a run (kinda) outside with my good friend. Now I love my friend, she's one of the besties. And I love that she's up for a run. But I had it in my head I wanted a big run. I ran the 2 miles to Glasgow Green to meet her. Then we chatted and walked a little, then I made her run a mile in one go. And I was running slightly ahead trying to get her to keep going, cheering her on etc. Then she wanted to stop. So we walked and chatted then when she was alive again, I made her run another mile. It wasn't that far. At all. I wanted a bigger run but whatever. I still got a run! and between the run there and back and our 2 miles i did just over 5 miles, and we walked for a while so not bad. I then went for coffee at half 3 with another of my besties. We ended up in a pub getting tea drinking cock.... tails. We ended up going to 5 bars. This ended in Firewater and us being drrrrunk. I really enjoyed it!

Today, Saturday! I've just been hungover and worked. I enjoyed it though. I actually like my job. Then champions league final (I really miss loving football...)

So that's the catch up!! Nothing too exciting haha! (Specially seeing as Barca just won and not Manchester United- bboo!!!)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Need Motivation?

Plan: 23/05-29/05

I meant to do this over the weekend, but I never got round to it! Regarding last weeks plan I kinda failed .... :( Last week I actually ended up doing:

Monday - 10k (Treadmill)
Tuesday - 5k (treadmill)
Wednesday - 6k (treadmill)
Thursday - About 5 miles (road)
Friday/Saturday - nada
Sunday - 8.49 miles (along the side of the clyde :) )

Yes. This wasn't my plan. I still haven't been to a jogging group. I still haven't done any core work. And i've drunk a fair bit or alcomahol and eaten rubbish ... But I did run 27 miles over the week (according to dailymile), and 8.49 miles yesterday is the furthest i've run in my entire life!! I'm also loving running outdoors! So much more fun than the treadmill, not a fan of waiting to cross roads - the cars just get in the way!!!! Runners > pedestrians > car peoples, just saying haha .... 

Back to the point, for this week:

- I want to finally start doing core work
- keep running outside
- try and fit it in around the 36 hours i'm working this week AND tidying and cleaning the entire flat for the inspection on Thursday (our flat is minging, noone can understand how big a job this is!)
- also, new running shoes today, i'm determined - yayy!!!!

SO, i'm thinking ....

Monday: 3-4 miles (outside)
Tuesday: Core before work
Wednesday: Fartlek treadmill workout + 10k bike, 20 mins cross trainer, 1k rower
Thursday: Core before work
Friday: Big run outside (8 miles again anyone?!)
Saturday: REST (yum!) 
Sunday: 3-4 miles (outside)

This is all fitting in around my crazy work load... and if I have to skip a couple to clean/tidy the flat then c'est la vie. But here's to a new week!! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Goal Rewards! AKA, I like writing lists

A running tip i've often read is to have rewards when you reach certain goals. Now my only real goal is to finish this half marathon in September, and to run the whole thing - though i'm not going to punish myself if I have to walk for a few minutes (more than 5 though and i'm putting myself in detention haha....). I'll probably come back to this post and edit it. But for the time being :

1. Run 10 miles: A pair of headphones which go into my ears
2. Weigh less than 70kg: a new pair of pumps
3. Weight less than 65kg: a night out in the dress
4. Run a half-marathon: proper running shorts and top! (they're expensive..)
5. Run 10k in under and hour: New sports bra
6. Run 5k in under 30 minutes: Cemetry Junction on DVD (I may buy it anyway, but oh well!)
7. Run a marathon: New running shoes!
8. Run a marathon (or at least a half) in America: An epic tub of Ben & Jerrys, like in the films!
9. Come in the top 3 in a race (a girl can dream right?!): Shopping trip with £100 - can buy whatever :)
10. Complete a triathlon: Go to Ireland (i've always wanted to, so why the hell not?!)

I'll work on the rest - in terms of the races, the free bananas and medals is really enough reward for me, I feel the novelty of medals will never wear off for me....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy post and "skinny as fuck"

I have lots of reasons to be happy so i'm going to do a LIST! YASS!! I'll even do it in chronological order - sometimes I just think i'm too cool ....

1. I got a Nike+ Sportband!!! I could never afford a Garmin, and i'm not sure i'll ever be a serious enough runner to warrant it. So I treated myself to this and I love it!!

2. I ran to McDonalds and back 5 mile round trip. And I did the 3 miles there (via the French Library) in 26 minutes, and the 2.14 miles back in 18 minutes - which is a pace of 8.22!!!! I ran quickly!!!! :D was so proud! Now I know this sounds like the least healthy way to get fit ever, but it leads perfectly onto number 3....

3. I GOT PAID!! I finally got my McDonalds wages. £192.03 in cash, yaayy!!! I mean i've pretty much spent it once I get some new running shoes :S but it's one stress off my mind.

4. I finally had my interview for going to Milan, so if all goes to plan I just need to have passed my exams to be going - i'll know in 2-4 weeks if i'm definitely going or not! Eeeeekkkkk!!!! (that's my expression for a mixture of yay and scarryy!)

5. I'VE FINISHED SECOND YEAR AT UNI!!! Exams are done, summer is upon us!! :D

6. So I walked into my favourite bar last night, where i'm apparently a "regular". Ok, not apparently. I pretty much live there. And i've managed to befriend quite a few of the staff. So, ever since I was little i've always not been a massive girl, but i've had extra baggage. Then I came to uni and put about 2 stone on. Woops! So i've managed to lost about a stone, and then i've kinda stopped paying attention to weight cause sport gets you muscle which I never had before. (I'm getting to the point I promise). SO, Kerri walks into the bar. And the my little barman friend, said "Hey Kerri! Jeez, you look skinny as fuck!!" HELL YES! Now I am not skinny. I am still 11 stone, but that compliment made my night! I've never been called skinny. Ever. 

7. I drank a lot yesterday. And ate rubbish. I refuse to let it become habit again, I was celebrating. However I just had THE best night- I loved it!!

I'm going to go out even in the rain and the ending world or w/e for an outside run tomorrow yay! And I want to make some playlists and start reading these running books I bought and make a plan for next weeks running - I find it easier to find time to run/gym if I plan to do it :)

Seeing as i'm making new playlists tomorrow, are there any songs that you like to listen to when running?? I'm always up for running to something new! :) 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My poor poor legs.

I didn't make 10k today, I only made 6. Meaning I failed at my plan for the week. I know it was too many miles, and insisted on it anyway. And I checked my bank accounts and i'm really really poor. Shit. It's come at the worst time too, and it's my own fault I just kind of waste money on ridiculous things, cause I should be fine for money just now and somehow i'm over £400 overdrawn. I hate me sometimes. Grrrrr (that was an angry at me noise, not a kinky tiger, just so you know).

BUT there's nothing I can do about the money i've spent, so i'm just going to have to be careful from now on. Which means lots of cutting down on things, and this time I really do need to be careful with the pennies - I cannot afford to carry on like this. I may even have to leave my car at home this summer, sad sad times :(

And in reference to failing on the plan, as long as my legs are alive tomorrow i'm going to this running group! I'm just taking this as note that I can't run 3 miles and over 3 days in a row. Not now. I'm not currently capable, well without making myself pretty tired. I also realised that my big run on Friday won't happen because it's my last exam so we're going to the pub straight from the exam. Exam -> Pub -> Run sounds like the worst idea EVER. Running outside would probably lead to me being arrested, and running on a treadmill would definitely end in serious injury! So i'm moving it to Sunday. I'm off work so i'm going for a big outside run :) (and I mean big to me, as in a 6/7 miler)

Also, I promise this is my last complain - I am normally a really positive person, well fairly positive anyway!! On Monday I decided enough was enough, I was watching my health and really trying for this half-marathon. I know it's not many, but 3 days in i'm doing pretty well. So as of tomorrow i'm also watching the finances. I'm not taking the being tired thing too badly, i'm just going to learn from this, and make sure next weeks workout plan is better for me. See, no all doom and gloom?!

OHHH!!! I also got my first friend on, how exciting??!!!!!!!! I was well happy when I checked my emails and saw it! So if anyone wants to be my friend on dailymile go for it! I enjoy stalking other peoples runs, it's nearly as fun as actually running *insert creepy laugh* ......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The most horrible three miles!!

Not that anybody reads this anyway ... but if anyone does stumble across this- then sorry for not posting for a few days, i've had exams :( They went horribly if you were wondering, meaning that i'm probably definitely not going to Milan next year, but we will see (and the Milan thing is a really long story, i'll save it for another day!)

We'll start with the good news! I've managed to keep to the training so far!! I did 10k in an hour 7 yesterday, and 5k in 31:42 today. Yay me!! However it takes us straight onto the story of the horrible 3 miles ...

I decided I was going to go for it on the treadmill, I mean if I normally run at 9 km/h for just over an hour, then I should be able to run at 10 km/h for 30 minutes right? So wrong. I don't know what was wrong today, I hadn't eaten masses before the run, but I had eaten a bit (trust me, I love food - a bit for me is loads for normal people haha!). I also found the 5k run button on the treadmill which I really liked..... UNTIL IT TOOK OFF!!! It just decided it wanted me to run at a 2% incline after a kilometre so I was running uphill at 10k an hour! It is safe to say I didn't last! So at 2.5k I stopped the treadmill. I was dying. It was just a bit too quick, and uphill. however it only took 14:57. So I decided to get my breath back then plod along and do the last 2.5k - there was no way I was stopping, I have a plan!! So I ran at my nice normal pace of 9km/h, and did the other half of the 5k in just under 17 minutes.

BUT - I'm worried. I really didn't feel good after the first 2.5k. I mean it wasn't THAT much of a difference. I don't want to end up destroying myself though, so when I do a 5k on the treadmill from now on I either do the 5k run button and accept the hill at my pace. OR I go for a bit of speed, but I know i'm now made for speed so i'll work on the speed.

I envy the American bloggers i've read where they talk about doing 9 minute mile paces in their marathons. I will be lucky to be doing a 10:45 pace for my half- oh well, maybe one day i'll be able to run quicker!! I also need to start running outside, once i've got the pouch for my nike+ band then I MUST make use of it! I just feel like a plonker wobbling along the street ...  For the time being though, I have 10k to do again tomorrow, after working 9 til 5 in the shop! So i'm going to get an early night, sweet dreams everyonnnnee :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

THE PLAN (And eurovision of course!)

It's been 6 days since I did my 10k, and I have seriously been lacking motivation to run further than 5k. I'm not sure what it is, I think I just have it in my head that I won't be able to do a half marathon, so i've given up before even starting. However. I am determined to stop this. So for motivation I bought "Running Made Easy". So far I like it. I was also devouring a tub of Ben & Jerrys while I ate it though... However i've decided to make a plan every week of what i'm going to do, print it out and put it on my wall or wardrobe. Then once i've done each one i'll cross it out. It was a tip one of the people interviewed gave, and I like it. Well in theory. I haven't tried it yet. If I just take the half-marathon a week at a time though, and have it in the back of my mind then i'm hoping it'll be less daunting! So here is this week: 

Monday: 10k 
Tuesday: 30 mins/5k/running group
Wednesday: 10k
Thursday: 30mins/5k/running group
Friday: 11k

 I can't decide if this is too much or not, but I can run 10k, so I might aswell try push myself, cause the more miles I do the easier they will get. 30mins/5k is because I want to do 5k in 30 minutes, but if I don't make it I may aswell do the extra minute or two and get to a round number, there are however a couple of running groups I know of, that go on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I really want to join one - surely running with people is easier?! I'm kind of scared I won't be good enough though ...  We will see though!! Am kind of worried just looking at that many kms in a week, but no!! If some of the women in the book I bought can do it then so the hell can I!! So let's do this!!

And I must mention Eurovision. I love it. So much. So so much. I even voted for Jedward. Yes i'm ashamed but I enjoyed my evening, so I don't care haha. I also have a new found love for Bulgaria after they gave United Kingdom 12 points. To all Bulgarians - I love you! Kinda gutted Azerbaijin have won though ... No chance of me going to Eurovision next year! Maybe 2013!! 

Fail on my part and my new (top 10) favourite work out!

After my last post I ended up in the pub. It was always going to happen, I live above one haha .... I only had two pints and I was GONE. So embarrassing. I used to be able to drink 8/9 pints in a night!! I blame not having eaten tea before I went, and the fact i'd hardly drunk in the few weeks before. So yeah, I did nothing off my list. Not even taking out the rubbish, which would take the entire of 3 minutes. There's always another day though, right?!

So I worked all day yesterday, which was a craaazy day at work- I swear every customer was just trying to be awkward. For the next bit to make sense, you should probably know I work in a kilt shop. So, normally bridezillas are the bain of my existence. They want every little thing to exactly match their wedding, and nobody can possible hire outfits to exactly match every single shade! But that's a rant for another day, yesterday was the day of "angry communion mums". They had their outfits, and nearly everyone I served their outfits were fine! But their son's felt uncomfortable so they wanted us to do something about it .... These are 8/9 year old boys essentially wearing a skirt infront of their friends- what do you want me to do?!?! They were never going to like it, it's not my fault!!! I'm just glad nobody played the "you're english, what the f*$% do you know?!" card. I've had that before it sucked. However I had some really nice customers and everyone seemed happy (touch wood)  enough when they left, so success!! And i'm off for another day there today, which should be lovely, I like working weekends a lot :)

Now for the second part of the title. I went to my first ever ceilidh last night. I'd avoided it for a really long time - i've live in Scotland nearly 2 years now, and been invited to a fair few. And I would have avoided this too, except most the Volleyball team are international students and leaving forever over the course of the next week or so. Last night was everyone's favourite Canadians last night out in Glasgow. She wanted to go to her friend's ceilidh. I wanted to use my last chance to see her. So I went. IT WAS SUCH HARD WORK!!! You were jumping around and spinning for like 2 hours straight! Now as a night out, it was a tad too sweaty and repetitive for me, but in terms of a work out - it was so much fun!! Due to my lack of coordination there will be a fair few bruised shins and crushed toes (sorry guys) this morning. The banter was amazing though, and some of the international guys were just as bad as me at doing it. I have been converted. If you want a fun night jumping around, trying to dance then go to a ceilidh!! I'm kind of surprised they don't do ceilidh workouts at the gym to be honest, i'd go!! Oh, and a "wee" tip. I chatted to the barman all night. Then he started to pour me double Jack Daniels and cokes for the price of a single, because he said I was the only sane and slightly amusing person there. So yay, doubles and dancing - how could you say no to that?!

This next bit is relevant to nothing it just amused me. I got back into my building after being out, and a guy that lives downstairs (who has the most amazing arms- I mean he has aaaaarrrmms), was lying on the floor saying "they're all c_#{$". Now I know his flatmates, and I always help drunk friends, or friends of friends. So I tried to help him up. But my god i've never seen a guy so unsteady on his feet before!!! So what do you do?! Cause I was no way strong enough to lift him, or drag him through his door. So I temporarily stole his keys, and kind of pushed him through the door in a little bundle ....... then he realised he was in his flat, beamed with happiness, the STOOD UP and gave me a thank you hug. I spent a good 15 minutes pushing him through the door for him to the stand of his own accord!! Say what?!?!

And to make it have something to do with running, i'm planning a Plan of Action on getting the ball into motion for this half marathon training. I'm going to think today, and either decide tonight or tomorrow morning. And i'll let you know what I come up with haha ...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

No choice but to rest ....

I got another tattoo today. On my leg. And it's a little sore. Meaning that I can't run today (boooo!) - sad sad times. And it's my first day off in ages, so i'm kinda sat around twiddling my thumbs.  I've not even been home an hour yet, it's going to be a long afternoon .....

However i'm the kind of girl that plans to plan things (basically, I put off actually doing anything...). So, this afternoon I will: tidy my room, do my washing, take the rubbish out, sort my wages at McDonalds (worked there for 6 weeks, and I quit over a week ago and still haven't seen a penny...), try and sort out the last of my sponsor money for the 10k, and probably do some stretches in my room seeing as I can't run.

Well, how exciting was that list?! Bet it made your day didn't it?? Haha.... Incase anyone was wondering my tattoo looks a little like this:

If you've lost your faith 
in love and music 
the end won't be long

The writing is a bit curlier, and looks more like handwriting - but it's them words! They're lyrics from "The good old days" by The Libertines, only the single greatest band on the planet EVER!! (I know, I know - Pete's a heroin addict, and the Beatles are a tad better .... but they're still my favourites!)

And man, do I want a cigarette- I quit smoking solely because it makes running a little easier (and for you judgy people, it isn't that much of a difference ....). Quitting smoking for running is hard enough when you can run. Today I can't run, I want 10 Marlboro Lights and a bar of Galaxy, please?? :( oh, and while you're at it a bottle of white wine? 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ignis Asset Management Women's 10k 2011

I figured i'd get some of my excitement out of my system and write about Sundays (08/05/2011) 10k on here (because literally all of my friends have heard about it 3 times over all ready .... ).

I hadn't done anything for charity in a long time, and as much as i'd been getting a lot more back into sport since starting second year at Uni - I really wanted a goal. I have never been a runner. I mean, I wouldn't even run to the pub. Well, maybe if there was a free cider and blackcurrant waiting for me ..... But that's besides the point!! It seemed like a good idea at the time, until I remembered I actually didn't like running .... However, I can be guilted into anything so once people had started to sponsor me I kind of had to.

When I signed up I assumed I was going to end up giving up on the training and just walking, so I was in the fairly slow most fun starting group - orange!!! It felt like forever ... to get to the start line! No joke, I'd never done a 10k before, and even though i'd put in lots of miles on the treadmill I had no idea what to expect. Oh, and I taped my race number (15498, yay!) to my t-shirt with selotape because I don't own safety pins, and didn't fancy using my McDonalds name badges. Before I even started it was going really really well .... And did I mention the rain?! It was mis-er-able. 
Finally crossing the start line at the 20 minute mark felt awesome, but not half as cool as when I overtook batman. What an ego boost, jogging along my thought process went something like this ...*Damn, only at 2k*...*how do my legs ache a bit already?!* *hey-there's batman*... *i'm catching him (well, technically her ...) up*...*oh my, i'm going to overtake*..... *yassss!!! I over took a superhero, A FCOOKING SUPERHERO* .... *I rock ¬_¬*.

After that all I remember was hills, until the topless drummers in the woods/forest/park thingymajig. If there is one thing that was going to make me have the energy to reach the end. Topless males was it. Organisers of the Women's 10k - thank you!! The medal and the free banana also deserve a mention, except I couldn't get into my banana so had to ask the steward to open it for me .. how pathetic?!

Obviously I have nothing to compare this too, but I loved it!! And seeing as it was my first 10k, I got a personal best too - yay!! So my time to beat next year is 1:06:58, which left me in position 4816, out of about 11000. 

You thought the 10k chat was finished right?! I mean what else is there to say?!!? I ran, got a medal went home ...But no!! There's more! So while my legs ached on Monday I decided that crossing the line on Sunday was quite simply the best feeling ever, and I couldn't wait until next year, so I signed up for the Great Scottish Run in September! WTF?! If I actually pull this off it will be a miracle, especially seeing as I put down my group as 2hr15-2hr30 haha ...... oh dear!!! 21k is a lot longer than 10k :| Well looks like i'm going to be running for a bit longer yet..... (I say that, but I actually love running at the moment-geeeek!!)

I will finish with a plea for help:
If anybody has any tips on how to run a half-marathon please help me!?! I will love you for life, pinky promise!! :) 

ps. sorry about how bad I am at blogging - the photos will NOT go where I want them too ...

Starting is THE hardest thing

I did my first ever 10k on Sunday, in 1:06:58. Not the fastest time, I know. For ages I kept thinking i'm not really a runner it's ok - I mean I have only been running since December when I signed up for the race! However, as soon as I finished on Sunday my chat on the way home was literally ALL about buying new running shoes, getting a faster time next year and signing up for a half marathon ...... So, apparently I caught the running bug, woopsy daisies!

It might seem weird doing a blog on something i've only been interested in for 6 months, but I think it might help. If I write down how far I run then I try and do further or faster next time I run, and having a blog would just save me writing it in a diary - which would be really hypocritical of me because I definitely used to judge the people that take training logs to the gym (I know, I know, bad person of the year etc). And i'm hoping it also might help people starting to run too, the amount of hours i've spent reading blogs of runners instead of actually getting off my backside and going to the gym is ridiculous. So I don't judge you, i've been there done that, except I probably had a bigger bar of chocolate than you while I was doing it (just saying!!).

Finally round to the subject of this post, starting. So it took me until the third paragraph to start talking about what I wanted to. I've wanted to start a blog since I started running, and I already did my first 10k. I have an exam in less than 5 hours, and i'm doing this instead of starting. Starting anything is hard. Really hard. BUT (big but...) if you just do it, then at least you've started right?! The second run is always easier than the first. Hopefully the second post is easier than the first. Now i'm off to start revising, so you go run. Even if you walk to the end of the street and jog back. That is still a start, and everyone needs to start somewhere.