Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy post and "skinny as fuck"

I have lots of reasons to be happy so i'm going to do a LIST! YASS!! I'll even do it in chronological order - sometimes I just think i'm too cool ....

1. I got a Nike+ Sportband!!! I could never afford a Garmin, and i'm not sure i'll ever be a serious enough runner to warrant it. So I treated myself to this and I love it!!

2. I ran to McDonalds and back 5 mile round trip. And I did the 3 miles there (via the French Library) in 26 minutes, and the 2.14 miles back in 18 minutes - which is a pace of 8.22!!!! I ran quickly!!!! :D was so proud! Now I know this sounds like the least healthy way to get fit ever, but it leads perfectly onto number 3....

3. I GOT PAID!! I finally got my McDonalds wages. £192.03 in cash, yaayy!!! I mean i've pretty much spent it once I get some new running shoes :S but it's one stress off my mind.

4. I finally had my interview for going to Milan, so if all goes to plan I just need to have passed my exams to be going - i'll know in 2-4 weeks if i'm definitely going or not! Eeeeekkkkk!!!! (that's my expression for a mixture of yay and scarryy!)

5. I'VE FINISHED SECOND YEAR AT UNI!!! Exams are done, summer is upon us!! :D

6. So I walked into my favourite bar last night, where i'm apparently a "regular". Ok, not apparently. I pretty much live there. And i've managed to befriend quite a few of the staff. So, ever since I was little i've always not been a massive girl, but i've had extra baggage. Then I came to uni and put about 2 stone on. Woops! So i've managed to lost about a stone, and then i've kinda stopped paying attention to weight cause sport gets you muscle which I never had before. (I'm getting to the point I promise). SO, Kerri walks into the bar. And the my little barman friend, said "Hey Kerri! Jeez, you look skinny as fuck!!" HELL YES! Now I am not skinny. I am still 11 stone, but that compliment made my night! I've never been called skinny. Ever. 

7. I drank a lot yesterday. And ate rubbish. I refuse to let it become habit again, I was celebrating. However I just had THE best night- I loved it!!

I'm going to go out even in the rain and the ending world or w/e for an outside run tomorrow yay! And I want to make some playlists and start reading these running books I bought and make a plan for next weeks running - I find it easier to find time to run/gym if I plan to do it :)

Seeing as i'm making new playlists tomorrow, are there any songs that you like to listen to when running?? I'm always up for running to something new! :) 

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