Monday, May 30, 2011

So many hangovers so little time .... And plan for this week!

Being hungover SUCKS DIRTY MOP WATER!!!

I wanted to have a big big run today. But talking myself into leaving the flat, or even moving is so hard. I'm illllllll (again).

You know the worst thing? I'm supposed to be doing the pub quiz tonight too. And drinking tomorrow. AND wednesday or Thursday. How am I going to make it??!!!?


I am however watching the desperate houswives where Gabby is trying to lose weight, and is at bootcamp with Edie. It's hilarious. And their suffering is making me want to make a cake... and eat the whole thing. Omnomnomnom.

Here's a plan. I'm not very good at sticking to these, but you know I still do most of it.

Monday: Enjoy my hangover, eat cake, drink all the cider in the world at the pub quiz.

Only messing!!!!

Monday: Big run. Or gym: 10k on the bike, 1k on the rower, 20 minutes intervals on the elliptical.

Tuesday: FINALLY, go to the running group. 9am. Kelvingrove - this is happening. (This includes not drinking much at the quiz) Then core workout, for the second time ever - I will get better at this.

Wednesdaaayyy: Big run again. Gym workout. Oh and that meeting at 1 for erasmus.

Thursday: Running group at 2pm Kelvingrove (if I like/survive) tomorrows. Core again, or weights at gym - we'll see what I feel like :)

Friday, Friday ....: Working 10 til 4, sooooo to the gym afterwards!! yay! And NOT THE PUB!! haha.

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Big run, yum!!

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