Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ignis Asset Management Women's 10k 2011

I figured i'd get some of my excitement out of my system and write about Sundays (08/05/2011) 10k on here (because literally all of my friends have heard about it 3 times over all ready .... ).

I hadn't done anything for charity in a long time, and as much as i'd been getting a lot more back into sport since starting second year at Uni - I really wanted a goal. I have never been a runner. I mean, I wouldn't even run to the pub. Well, maybe if there was a free cider and blackcurrant waiting for me ..... But that's besides the point!! It seemed like a good idea at the time, until I remembered I actually didn't like running .... However, I can be guilted into anything so once people had started to sponsor me I kind of had to.

When I signed up I assumed I was going to end up giving up on the training and just walking, so I was in the fairly slow most fun starting group - orange!!! It felt like forever ... to get to the start line! No joke, I'd never done a 10k before, and even though i'd put in lots of miles on the treadmill I had no idea what to expect. Oh, and I taped my race number (15498, yay!) to my t-shirt with selotape because I don't own safety pins, and didn't fancy using my McDonalds name badges. Before I even started it was going really really well .... And did I mention the rain?! It was mis-er-able. 
Finally crossing the start line at the 20 minute mark felt awesome, but not half as cool as when I overtook batman. What an ego boost, jogging along my thought process went something like this ...*Damn, only at 2k*...*how do my legs ache a bit already?!* *hey-there's batman*... *i'm catching him (well, technically her ...) up*...*oh my, i'm going to overtake*..... *yassss!!! I over took a superhero, A FCOOKING SUPERHERO* .... *I rock ¬_¬*.

After that all I remember was hills, until the topless drummers in the woods/forest/park thingymajig. If there is one thing that was going to make me have the energy to reach the end. Topless males was it. Organisers of the Women's 10k - thank you!! The medal and the free banana also deserve a mention, except I couldn't get into my banana so had to ask the steward to open it for me .. how pathetic?!

Obviously I have nothing to compare this too, but I loved it!! And seeing as it was my first 10k, I got a personal best too - yay!! So my time to beat next year is 1:06:58, which left me in position 4816, out of about 11000. 

You thought the 10k chat was finished right?! I mean what else is there to say?!!? I ran, got a medal went home ...But no!! There's more! So while my legs ached on Monday I decided that crossing the line on Sunday was quite simply the best feeling ever, and I couldn't wait until next year, so I signed up for the Great Scottish Run in September! WTF?! If I actually pull this off it will be a miracle, especially seeing as I put down my group as 2hr15-2hr30 haha ...... oh dear!!! 21k is a lot longer than 10k :| Well looks like i'm going to be running for a bit longer yet..... (I say that, but I actually love running at the moment-geeeek!!)

I will finish with a plea for help:
If anybody has any tips on how to run a half-marathon please help me!?! I will love you for life, pinky promise!! :) 

ps. sorry about how bad I am at blogging - the photos will NOT go where I want them too ...

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