Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Starting is THE hardest thing

I did my first ever 10k on Sunday, in 1:06:58. Not the fastest time, I know. For ages I kept thinking i'm not really a runner it's ok - I mean I have only been running since December when I signed up for the race! However, as soon as I finished on Sunday my chat on the way home was literally ALL about buying new running shoes, getting a faster time next year and signing up for a half marathon ...... So, apparently I caught the running bug, woopsy daisies!

It might seem weird doing a blog on something i've only been interested in for 6 months, but I think it might help. If I write down how far I run then I try and do further or faster next time I run, and having a blog would just save me writing it in a diary - which would be really hypocritical of me because I definitely used to judge the people that take training logs to the gym (I know, I know, bad person of the year etc). And i'm hoping it also might help people starting to run too, the amount of hours i've spent reading blogs of runners instead of actually getting off my backside and going to the gym is ridiculous. So I don't judge you, i've been there done that, except I probably had a bigger bar of chocolate than you while I was doing it (just saying!!).

Finally round to the subject of this post, starting. So it took me until the third paragraph to start talking about what I wanted to. I've wanted to start a blog since I started running, and I already did my first 10k. I have an exam in less than 5 hours, and i'm doing this instead of starting. Starting anything is hard. Really hard. BUT (big but...) if you just do it, then at least you've started right?! The second run is always easier than the first. Hopefully the second post is easier than the first. Now i'm off to start revising, so you go run. Even if you walk to the end of the street and jog back. That is still a start, and everyone needs to start somewhere.


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