Saturday, May 14, 2011

THE PLAN (And eurovision of course!)

It's been 6 days since I did my 10k, and I have seriously been lacking motivation to run further than 5k. I'm not sure what it is, I think I just have it in my head that I won't be able to do a half marathon, so i've given up before even starting. However. I am determined to stop this. So for motivation I bought "Running Made Easy". So far I like it. I was also devouring a tub of Ben & Jerrys while I ate it though... However i've decided to make a plan every week of what i'm going to do, print it out and put it on my wall or wardrobe. Then once i've done each one i'll cross it out. It was a tip one of the people interviewed gave, and I like it. Well in theory. I haven't tried it yet. If I just take the half-marathon a week at a time though, and have it in the back of my mind then i'm hoping it'll be less daunting! So here is this week: 

Monday: 10k 
Tuesday: 30 mins/5k/running group
Wednesday: 10k
Thursday: 30mins/5k/running group
Friday: 11k

 I can't decide if this is too much or not, but I can run 10k, so I might aswell try push myself, cause the more miles I do the easier they will get. 30mins/5k is because I want to do 5k in 30 minutes, but if I don't make it I may aswell do the extra minute or two and get to a round number, there are however a couple of running groups I know of, that go on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I really want to join one - surely running with people is easier?! I'm kind of scared I won't be good enough though ...  We will see though!! Am kind of worried just looking at that many kms in a week, but no!! If some of the women in the book I bought can do it then so the hell can I!! So let's do this!!

And I must mention Eurovision. I love it. So much. So so much. I even voted for Jedward. Yes i'm ashamed but I enjoyed my evening, so I don't care haha. I also have a new found love for Bulgaria after they gave United Kingdom 12 points. To all Bulgarians - I love you! Kinda gutted Azerbaijin have won though ... No chance of me going to Eurovision next year! Maybe 2013!! 

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