Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The most horrible three miles!!

Not that anybody reads this anyway ... but if anyone does stumble across this- then sorry for not posting for a few days, i've had exams :( They went horribly if you were wondering, meaning that i'm probably definitely not going to Milan next year, but we will see (and the Milan thing is a really long story, i'll save it for another day!)

We'll start with the good news! I've managed to keep to the training so far!! I did 10k in an hour 7 yesterday, and 5k in 31:42 today. Yay me!! However it takes us straight onto the story of the horrible 3 miles ...

I decided I was going to go for it on the treadmill, I mean if I normally run at 9 km/h for just over an hour, then I should be able to run at 10 km/h for 30 minutes right? So wrong. I don't know what was wrong today, I hadn't eaten masses before the run, but I had eaten a bit (trust me, I love food - a bit for me is loads for normal people haha!). I also found the 5k run button on the treadmill which I really liked..... UNTIL IT TOOK OFF!!! It just decided it wanted me to run at a 2% incline after a kilometre so I was running uphill at 10k an hour! It is safe to say I didn't last! So at 2.5k I stopped the treadmill. I was dying. It was just a bit too quick, and uphill. however it only took 14:57. So I decided to get my breath back then plod along and do the last 2.5k - there was no way I was stopping, I have a plan!! So I ran at my nice normal pace of 9km/h, and did the other half of the 5k in just under 17 minutes.

BUT - I'm worried. I really didn't feel good after the first 2.5k. I mean it wasn't THAT much of a difference. I don't want to end up destroying myself though, so when I do a 5k on the treadmill from now on I either do the 5k run button and accept the hill at my pace. OR I go for a bit of speed, but I know i'm now made for speed so i'll work on the speed.

I envy the American bloggers i've read where they talk about doing 9 minute mile paces in their marathons. I will be lucky to be doing a 10:45 pace for my half- oh well, maybe one day i'll be able to run quicker!! I also need to start running outside, once i've got the pouch for my nike+ band then I MUST make use of it! I just feel like a plonker wobbling along the street ...  For the time being though, I have 10k to do again tomorrow, after working 9 til 5 in the shop! So i'm going to get an early night, sweet dreams everyonnnnee :)

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